Category Archives: Parenthood

One Step Closer

Disclaimer: Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Ok, so I’ve changed the names of some businesses because they aren’t compensating me for mentioning them…yet.

I knew it was inevitable. And slowly, little by little, it is happening. I’m turning into my parents. I’m one step closer to adulthood. 

Sure, I saw the signs a while back. It’s the little things. I’m driving slower and more cautiously. I wear dress socks all the time (but not with shorts or sandals, NEVER with shorts or sandals). I dislike being in large crowds and waiting in line. I crave going to that “country store/restaurant.” We’ll call it the “Saltine Crate.”

And it’s not only happening to me, it’s also affecting my wife. She too likes the “Saltine Crate.” In fact, a while back we went there at 5pm to avoid the rush. She wore a cardigan. It was 80 degrees. Read the rest of this entry »


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Holding On

Our baby Ella Claire is 3 months old.

She is amazing.

Even at such a young age, her personality is starting to show. Her smile lights our eyes. I’m not sure if all preemies do this, or if it is a newborn trait in general, but there are some days when she just won’t rest unless she is being held.

So we hold her. And she sleeps. Our arms cramp and backs ache, but we still hold her.

Because one day she won’t want to be held all the time. One day she will want to crawl around and explore. One day she will play outside, and ride a bike, and go to a friend’s house, and spend the night, and go to school, and learn to drive, and graduate, and go to college, and get married, and have a baby of her own– who will want to be held…

So we hold her. Because achy arms and backs get better, but babies don’t stay babies for very long.

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Posted by on April 5, 2011 in Parenthood

